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Please ask us about the safe use of any piece of landscape equipment, our staff are well versed in most pieces of landscape equipment.
During the spring and summer, lawn mower accidents can be a big problem. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) estimates that about 17,000 children require care in the emergency room each year because of lawn mower accidents. Safety with children around is of primary concern!
Personal Safety

Homeowners and professionals must always be aware of and FOLLOW safety procedures and concerns with any landscape equipment they use. With all of the safety measures built into the equipment we sell, you are the final user, and must be aware of the hazards each piece of equipment presents. From chain saws to small hand clippers, this equipment is designed to remove small branches or fell large trees, not the limbs of humans.
Reading the manual and following all of the safety precautions will help prevent injury, as will listening during the demonstration of the equipment you purchase from our shop. We are concerned about your safety and the safe use of the equipment you purchase from us.
Some chain saws have to work for a living. On a farm or on a ranch, no matter where there’s work to be done, the proven dependability of a STIHL is on the job, offering a variety of high-performance saws that are engineered for service, day in and day out.

The following pages in this section contain safety information on specific pieces of landscape equipment. We present general safety information about a variety of landscape equipment; please refer to your owners manual or the your equipment manufacturers web site for specific information about the equipment you own. Your personal education on personal safety is important to us.
Keeping children and those nearby is of great safety concern when using any piece of landscape equipment. Little fingers can suddenly appear from seemingly nowhere; rocks can be ejected from under a lawn mower and fly long distances; trimming limbs from a tree can endanger those below as well as you; be constantly aware of safety procedures of the equipment you are using at all times.